With all of the reports on COVID-19, understandably clients may have heightened concerns regarding the health of your new baby. I want to assure you that wellness, and the safety of your baby is always a priority for me, but I am committed at this time to taking every step to keep you and your family healthy, and do my part in preventing the spread of this virus. Here are the ways in which I am committed to doing so:

  1. Directly before every session I do a thorough hand washing with soap and water, as well as if needed throughout the session. I have hand sanitizer within reach that I use often throughout a session. You are also welcome to use the sanitizer as often as you would like.

  2. My studio space is cleaned after each session, and especially during this time all surfaces are being wiped down with disinfectant. All fabrics and anything that comes into contact with a baby is thoroughly washed and/or sanitized. Fabrics and outfits are machine or hand washed, and hard surfaces are cleaned with a disinfectant.

  3. I personally am doing my best to stay informed about the virus and steps for prevention through reputable and informed sources like the World Health Organization, Ontario Public Health and Durham Region Public Health.

  4. In my daily life I am mindful and doing my best to follow prevention guidelines. 

This is a good time to remind all clients to please reschedule if you or your family members are sick, feeling unwell and/or have a fever.  Individuals should be fever-free for at least 24 hours without the aid of medications such as Tylenol or Advil. While at many times we think a little cough and sneezing is just a simple cold, I ask that you either reschedule. If I, or anyone in my immediate family, have any of the same symptoms, I too will be rescheduling or referring to another photographer. I would much rather capture beautiful images of a baby a couple weeks older, than risk any baby’s health!

If you or someone you have been in contact with has recently traveled to a high risk area as identified by public health, I ask you to wait a 2 week period prior to your session.

 If you are a client, or someone considering booking a session, don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions, or to let me know what I can do to help you feel comfortable. Be safe everyone!

On to the best part of this post….. this little angel is Amelia. She came last week to visit my studio at 14 days old. She did so great I asked her mom to bring her again a week later so that I could use her as a model call. I am really loving this age between 14-18 days old, babies seem to be more settled and sleepy for their sessions. She was the perfect model.